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(959) 209-4706
900 Main Street
Oakville, CT 06779
Expert Tattoo Removal Using the Latest Pico Technology.
Remove your unwanted tattoo safely and effectively in the least number of sessions possible.
Less Sessions.
Our Quanta Discovery Pico Plus laser was hand-crafted by Quanta System in Milan, Italy. Quanta System is renowned worldwide for designing the most advanced laser systems that have been used in aesthetics and surgery since 1985.
What sets the Discovery Pico laser apart is the industry leading power, three true laser wavelengths and the ability to fire in pico-second and nano-second pulses.
Quanta Discovery Pico and Sub-Z by Zimmer
The Power of Pico.
Pico technology is the newest and most effective technology at removing tattoos. Our Quanta Discovery Pico will pulverize even the deepest skin pigment with shorter pulse duration and 1.8 Gigawatts (GW) of power, the highest peak power in its class. It generates a pure photoacoustic effect to shatter inks and pigmentation without harming surrounding tissue.
Q-Switch technology has been considered the “gold standard” of tattoo removal for years. It has been effective at helping clients achieve great clearance, especially in early sessions. Q-Switch technology fires laser pulses within nanoseconds. Our brand new Pico technology delivers these pulses approximately one hundred times faster than Q-Switch technology. As a result, we get better break up of the tattoo ink, therefore removing the tattoo quicker.
The ability to remove any color ink.
Three true-laser wavelengths give us the ability to target any possible ink colors. The Discovery Pico Plus is highly effective on hard-to-treat tattoo ink colors and pigments utilizing KTP 532nm, Ruby 694nm and Nd:YAG 1064nm, across all patient skin types.
The device can breakdown pigment of any size and depth and remove even the most difficult to treat tattoo colors like blue and green. Not all laser tattoo removal devices emit the wavelengths necessary to target the full spectrum of pigment colors. Clients experience better tattoo clearance and get to their desired end point in fewer sessions.